psi suite3D™
User Friendly Transportation and Mine Infrastructure Modeling
Over the past decade, we developed a true 3D numerical model coupled with advanced mechanistic materials characterization for the transportation and mining sector. This suite of software is a world-class infrastructure finite element modeling tool called PSISuite3D™.
Using the PSISuite3D™ modeling system, alternative designs can be tried and tested before construction, identifying problems in virtual space and preventing costly real-world building and maintenance issues. PSISuite3D™ provides information for preventing asset deterioration and for ongoing infrastructure lifecycle budget planning.
PSISuite3D™ includes:
- PSIPave3D™: Pavement Structural Analysis
- PSIMine3D™: Mine Structural Ground Support Analysis
- PSIAir3D™: Airfield Structural Analysis
- PSIRail3D™: Railways Structural Analysis
- PSICulvert3D™: Culvert Analysis
- PSIRoadPatch3D™: Urban and Rural Road Patches Analysis
- PSIGeosynthetics3D™: Geosynthetic Layers Analysis
- PSIMultiscale3D™: Micro- and Macro-Scale Simulations
- PSIBackCalc3D™: Viscoelastic Layer Moduli Backcalculation Analysis

Our Strengths:
- 3D Mine Stress Analysis
- 3D Road Stress Analysis
- 3D Mesh from Point Cloud (Lidar)
- Intuitive User Friendly Interface
- 3D Finite Element Analysis
- Lifecycle Analysis
- Fracture Mechanics
- Multiscale Analysis
- Linear and Nonlinear Material Models
- Viscoelasticity, Viscoplasticity, Elasticity